Thursday, November 5, 2015

"The Necklace" Five Questions/Comments Examples

Examples of poor questions for discussion:

1. What is the name of the wife in the story?

2. What is the name of the husband in the story?

3. Why did the wife not want to go to the ball?

Examples of poor comments for discussion:

1. I hated the wife because she was greedy.

2. Her husband shouldn't have bought her the dress.

3. The wife only cares about money.

Example of a good question for discussion:

1. How does Madame Loisel show that she's a greedy person?

The answer to this requires your classmates to find textual evidence from the story. 

Example of good comment for discussion:

1. Madame Loisel's led to her and her husband's downfall. 

"The Necklace" Five Questions/Comments Homework Assignment

Tonight for homework, while you are doing your assigned reading, think about and write down five questions or five comments that you can share during our class discussion tomorrow.  It can be a combination of the two (e.g. 2 questions and 3 comments). Then, during tomorrow’s discussion, you will be required to share at least one question or one comment about the reading.

I will begin by randomly choosing one student to share a question or make a comment about the reading.  Every person after that can do any of the following:

1. Answer the previous student’s question
2. Respond to the previous student’s comment
3. Ask their own question
4. Make their own comment

During the discussion, everyone is expected to participate.  Using the excuses, “Someone already asked my question” or “I had the same comment” will not be accepted.  Therefore, if you’ve exhausted your five questions and/or comments, you may be asked to come up with a question or comment extemporaneously (on the spot).

For your questions, do not ask simple comprehension questions like "who is the main character". Your questions should try and get below the surface to things like character motive, theme, etc. Your comments should be something beyond, "I liked the story" or "I didn't like the story". I'm looking for comments about SPECIFIC things that you observed or reactions you felt while reading the story.

You are to do this in a Google Document and turn in it in using this Google Form.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Ancient Greece and Rome: Losing History

1. Log into

2. Click on the correct class, ENGLISH 9A Miller P2
3. Click on START LESSON.  You're doing the articled entitled "Ancient  Greece and Rome: Losing History".
3. Do the Before Reading Poll
4. Read the article
5. Do the Activity
6. Do the After Reading Poll
7. Instead of doing the Thought Question, in a Google Document, write a 1 paragraph summary of the article.  The paragraph should start with a FATt sentence that includes the title of the article, author, type of text it is, and a main idea of focus.  Include at least three sentences of supporting details thatdirectly support the main idea.
8. Make sure you do the following:

  • Bold and underline the FATt sentence.
  • Make the supporting details regular text 
9. Publicly share your Google Document so ANYONE WITH THE LINK CAN COMMENT.  Use this form to share the URL.

Use this rubric to write your summary.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

2nd Book Talk Presentation

2nd Independent Reading Book Talk Presentation


Click HERE to hear an overview of the Independent Reading Book Talk Presentation

To get a copy of the Independent Reading Book Talk Presentation Template you must do the following:

1. Click HERE to open the file for the Independent Reading Book Talk Presentation Template.
2. Click FILE
3. Click MAKE A COPY

After you have downloaded the Template, you edit the slides so they reflect information regarding your novel.  You can either replace text that I have there or you can just create all new slides.  Your choice.

Once you are done with your presentation, you must download it as a PowerPoint presentation so it can be uploaded to  To do this, you must do the following:

1. Click on FILE
2. Click on DOWNLOAD
3. Make sure you download it as a PowerPoint presentation (.pptx)

Once you have downloaded it as PowerPoint presentation, you must upload to  This website will allow you to make a recording of your image as well as your slides as you present.  You'll need to create an account first.  When you go to, just follow the directions for creating an account.

After you have created an account and have uploaded your PowerPoint presentation, then you're ready to make a recording.

Once your recording is done and you're satisfied with it, you'll need to share it via email with yourself.  You'll need to do this so you can get the link to the recording.

After you share it with yourself via email, then you'll be sharing the link using a Google form that I have created.

Click HERE to go to the Google form to share your recording's URL.